Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

Persona 4 Arena Character Advantages

Persona4 Arena is a figthing versus kinda of game, like Tekken. Its originaly came from Persona series, in this case Persona 4 and Persona 3.

Here's the list of The Character Advantages in the games, u wanna win on 1 on 1 figt? be sure to pick your fighter rightly.

Yosuke Hanamura
Sukukaja: Permanently active
Aggression: High

Naoto Shirogane
Fate Counter: Now lowered by all attacks
AI Aggression: High

Yukiko Amagi
Fire Break: Permanently active
Fire Amp: Permanently at Level 8
Fan moves are thrown three at once.
AI Aggression: High

Circus Bear: Teddie now runs across the screen 3 times instead of 1, damage and speed roughly doubled
AI Aggression: High

Kanji Tatsumi
Grab attacks now do roughly triple damage
Gains a new special move, a very fast dropkick with super armor
AI Aggression: Very High

Chie Satonaka
Power Charge: Permanently at Level 3
AI Aggression: Very High

Mitsuru Kirijo
All attacks now cause either Freeze or Charm status
AI Aggression: Very High

Akihiko Sanada
Cyclone Gauge: Permanently at Level 3
Electric Fists: Permanently active
AI Aggression: Very High

Orgia Mode: Permanently active and unlimited meter
Megido Fire EX: The flames hit thrice as much before throwing the target back into the ground
Ammo count increased to 999
AI uses Heritage Liberator Palladion (Low Probability)
AI Aggression: Extremely High

Yu Narukami
All attacks can now be canceled into each other
Electric attacks have a higher probability of inflicting Stun
AI uses Myriad Truths (Low Probability)
AI Aggression: Extremely High

Shadow Labrys
Doubled overall damage output
AI uses Labyrinthos Gate (Medium Probability)
AI Aggression: Extremely High

Axe Gauge: Permanently at maximum level (red-colored axe)
AI uses Weaver's Art: Inquisition (Medium Probability)
AI Aggression: Extremely High

HP: Increased from 7500 to 22500
Invigorate: SP gain rate increased by roughly quadruple
Diarahan: HP now fully regenerates
Mahamaon & Mamudoon: Now activate instantly, no longer requiring a timer
Ghastly Wail: Damage increased to 7500 normally, and 44444 if the opponent has Fear status inflicted on them (instant death)
AI uses Megidolaon, but now activates with just 1 hit instead of 3 (High Probability)
AI Aggression: Ultimate

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