Senin, 08 Juli 2013

devil may cry walkthrough part 4

=-=-=-=- 4.14] Mission 14: Deep Darkness & Towering Mountains ~~ sx414 -=-=-=-=

"Go to the surface and head for the coliseum."

o- Item Checklist: ------------o----------------------------------------------o
| _ |
| Obtainable Weapons.......[_] | Start by following the path until you see a
| Blue Orb Fragments....... 2 | Skeleton stuck in the wall (you'll also
| Yellow Orb............... _1 | notice the locked gate on your way here,
| Secret Missions..........[_] | remind it). Examine it to get the 'Emblem
| Divinity Statues......... 1 | Shield'. Also activate the skeleton's arm
| | to have the gate open and a trap start. Now
o------------------------------o go to the gate while avoiding the spikes by
jumping and stand on the platform to get to a
waterfall area.

You'll be under a chapel-like roof. Use the pillars on the front to wall jump
and get on top of it. Now Stinger towards the little ledge and make your way up
to find a 'Yellow Orb'. From here, Stinger towards the right side of the screen
and if done right, you'll land on a ledge that has a 'Blue Orb Fragment' on it.

Now jump to the bottom of the area and go under the waterfall to get a 'Holy
Water'. Now go in the opening just in front of the platform you used to get up

In this area will be either Shadows, Blades (two and a huge black one) or a
Death Scythe. Whichever they are, kill them or ignore them and do the
following: Go in the first opening that you come across and has torches on each
side. Go to the top, cross the bridge and go left to find a Red Orb Stone. Hit
it until it breaks and then go right from the bridge to drop on a ledge with a
'Blue Orb Fragment'.

Now jump to the bottom and enter the opening and pay 200 Red Orbs to enter the
door. There are semi infinite Marionettes in the area, so fight as many as you
like. Also get the 'Devil Star' from the left side and get some hidden Red Orbs
on the right side (next to the red sealed door). Now pay 100 Red Orbs to the
door and enter the next door to finish the mission.

=-=-=-=- 4.15] Mission 15: Wheel of Destiny ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sx415 -=-=-=-=

"Use a shield and a pair of lances to conquer the coliseum."

o- Item Checklist: ------------o----------------------------------------------o
| |
|Obtainable Weapons.Nightmare-?| Remember this area? It's the area where you
| Blue Orb Fragments....... 2 | first fought Griffon. You'll be surprised by
| Yellow Orb............... 1 | either Kyklops or Blades. Before running to
| Secret Missions.......... 1 | the opposite side of the area, backtrack all
| Divinity Statues......... 2 | the way to where you got the Emblem Shield
| | and at the bottom of the platform you used to
o------------------------------o get down here, go right and examine the skull
in the wall to trigger a Secret Mission.

.:*' Secret Mission 8 - Treasure of the Reaper '*:.
-- "Defeat all enemies". --

You'll need a lot of patience for this one. After examining the skull, a
Shadow will come out, so evade as soon as you have control. I really recommend
using the Shotgun or if you're quick enough, the Handguns. Also use Ifrit with
the Kick13 skill. Stay near the area where the Shadow came out from, so you
don't awake the other 2 Shadows (they'll awake eventually) and start shooting
at the Shadow until the core appears. Once this happens, use your DT and while
in DT, use Kick13 to have Dante perform a quick ass combo. Do 2 times this
combo on each Shadow. It should be easy enough.


Now return to the start of the mission and run to the opposite side of the
area (following the blue lights)to find a closed door. From here, there are two
areas you need to go in. To the left is the blue room and to the right is the
red room. I'll explain both, but in the first door you enter, you'll receive
the Pair of Lances and the last door you enter will net you the Nightmare-?.
Also, go in the Red Room and jump under the platform that has the Pair of
Lances/Nightmare-? to have a Blue Orb Fragment appear. I'll write for both
rooms, so here we go (I first entered the Red room and then the Red room):

..:: Red Room ::..
Go to the opposite of the room, grab the 'Luminite' from the stone to the
right and kill the Fetish. This enables Dante to light a certain radius of the
room (depends of where he is). Now go downstairs and kill another 2 Fetishes.
Also break the cracked wall on the right side to find a lot of breakable
objects which contain Red Orbs and a 'Yellow Orb'. Return to the hall where the
Fetishes were and go in the door.

There are no enemies here, but instead, there were 2 rune clocks placed, so hit
them, being really cautious with the spikes. Anyway, the first door on your
left leads to a path where your DT refills, so take advantage of it. Move to
the end of the path, drop down, ignoring the paths you created. Kill both
Blades and then start jumping under a little platform until you see a Blue Orb
Fragment appear. Return to the top, cross the bridges to find a 'Pair of
Lances' and the 'Blue Orb Fragment'. Now go out to have Sin Scythes appear
instead of Blades/Kyklops.

Now go in the Blue Door.

..:: Blue Room ::..
Go downstairs and kill 3 Fetishes. Also break the cracked wall on the left
side to find a lot of breakable objects which contain Red Orbs, a 'Holy Water',
and a 'Blue Orb Fragment'. Return to the hall where the Fetishes were and go in
the door.

There will be some Sin Scythes here to greet you, so dispose of them, but
beware of the really tight space you have, as well as the moving floor and the
spikes at the back and the ones coming out of the wall. Also, the "fountain"
where you could recharge your DT is also here. When you get to the end, you'll
see that floor has purple goo-like. You can use Air Raid to cross it and grab
the 'Nightmare-?'. This weapon is my most hated and unused Firearm, why?!
Because, when you charge it, it uses 3 complete DT Symbols, and the only thing
it does is bounce.

Now go to the closed door and use the Pair of Lances to enter the Coliseum.
Before stepping on the cyan glyph in middle of the area, go to the top of the
structure using either portal at both sides of this area. Up here, get the
'Blue Orb Fragment' by jumping in the middle. Now step on the cyan glyph to
trigger a scene with Griffon for the third and last time.

Boss #7 - Griffon (3rd)

Ok, Griffon got a lot harder this time. He almost starts all the time dashing
towards you. But that's easy to evade. He's the same old Griffon from the ship.
Also, once you've taken 1/3 of it's HP, you'll break his wing, thus being
unable to fly. He'll become berserk, so evade all his physical attacks, using
Air Raid, of course. He also has a new attack, in which he creates several
lightning pillars that advance towards you. Time them well to evade them, as
they take a lot of health. ;P


After the fight, watch the scene involving Trish, then jump into the central
pillar (the one that squashed Griffon). Now grab the 'Wheel of Destiny' to end
this mission.

=-=-=-=- 4.16] Mission 16: Nightmare of Darkness ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sx416 -=-=-=-=

"Unravel the mystery of the "Staff of Hermes"."

o- Item Checklist: ------------o----------------------------------------------o
| _ |
| Obtainable Weapons.......[_] | From where you start, grab the 'Blue Orb'
| Blue Orb Fragments....... _4 | from right in front of you. Now exit the area
| Yellow Orb...............[_] | where you fought Griffon and reenter it to
| Secret Missions.......... 2 | trigger one of the easiest Secret Missions
| Divinity Statues......... 3 | ever.
| |
.:*' Secret Mission 9 - Stairway to Tranquility '*:.
-- "Acquire the Blue Orb at the end of the stairway of death". --

Ok, this mission is like the one where you needed to jump on the Sin Scissors.
You need to jump all the way to the top of the stairway of Sargasso to find a
Blue Orb Fragment at the top. It may take a while, but you'll do it soon
enough. BTW, the Sargasso don't attack.


Once at the area where you fought Griffon for the first time, before returning
to the castle, go to where you got Ifrit to get an 'Untouchable'. Now return to
the castle and insert the Wheel of Destiny to have the drawbridge come down,
allowing you to enter the castle once again.

The castle is dark as hell, but thank goodness that we got that Luminite. At
the main hall (where you started the game), jump on top of the horse's head to
have a 'Blue Orb Fragment' appear. Now simply Stinger towards it. Now check the
lower level, at the right side for another 'Blue Orb Fragment'.

Hit the rune clock on the opposite side of where you entered to trigger a
scene where a new enemy appears, the Plasma. These are the most annoying
enemies in the game, IMO. When you're attacking them, the may split, being more
Plasmas to fight. Anyway, kill it to have the seal removed.

Go to the hall from the airplane room and here, go left (Dante's) and jump
under the face on top of the painting to have a another 'Blue Orb Fragment'
appear. Now go to the end of the hall and enter the Cathedral, the place where
you fought your very first boss fight.

Hit the rune clock right next to you and quickly examine the puddle in middle
of the room to trigger a Boss Fight.

Boss #8 - Nightmare (1st)

Nightmare, hardest boss in all the game. He's simply so powerful, that it's
worth writing all attacks and everything about him.

Nightmare has two forms, liquid and solid. When he's liquid, hit any of the
rune clocks until it fills to have Nightmare gets solid. He also, just like the
Shadows, has a core, which can appear either in his ass, or over his back. He
has 2 attacks when it comes out of his ass and 1 attack when it comes over his

Maggots: An attack that he has when in liquid form. He'll send "maggots"
towards you, sticking to you and exploding, turning the place into a
small iceberg. Simply run to shake them off

Swallow: Another attack when he's in his liquid form. A "mouth" similar to the
ones the Shadows have will try and engulf you from the bottom, taking
to another "dimension". Simply jump to avoid it. Also, in this first
battle with Nightmare, you'll have to fight Phantom in this other
dimension. At the second fight, you'll have to kill Griffon and at the
third, you'll have to fight Nelo.

Machine Gun: When Nightmare turns to his solid form, the first thing he'll do
is use this attack. Simply run to avoid the attack.

Claw: This is one attack that he uses when the core comes right out of behind.
He'll try to impale you three times, so be really careful. The claw comes
out of his left side.

Pin Missile: Another attack from behind. I highly recommend having Ifrit's
Rolling Blaze, so at the moment you jump, you can return him his

Ice Beam: This is my favorite. When the core comes out of his back, wait until
all the light coming out vanishes, jump on his back and beat the shit
out of him.

These are the attacks. The best way to hurt him is to wait until he's about to
use his Ice Beam, then use Air Raid and/or if you have it, Inferno.


Once you've killed it, it's time to go finish another Secret Mission. Simply
return to the airplane room to enter the Secret Mission.

.:*' Secret Mission 10 - Shadow of Darkness '*:.
-- "Hunt down all the Shadows". --

There are a grand total of 4 Shadows in this Secret Mission. There are 2 on
top of the airplane in this room. Remember the previous strategy? Use Ifrit's
Kick13 speed combo and Ebony & Ivory to kill both. They're a bit harder, simply
because the room is dark and it's pretty hard to spot them. Now go to the main
hall (where you started the game) and go to the place where you got the first
Blue Orb Fragment. Another Shadow is there. Now go in the next room (where you
entered from the outer area) to find the last Shadow.


Back at the room where you killed Nightmare, go out to the bridge and go to
the other side. Now examine the symbol of Hermes at the back and use the Staff
of Hermes to have two paintings appear. Go in the red one (right one) and grab
the 'Blue Orb Fragment' from the corner and on top of the bed for an

Exit the painting and enter the left one to end the mission. OMFG... I went to
Taco Bell and left the PS2 on. I did 4:10:40, got 2,627 Red Orbs and got a B-
rank mission... lol :P

=-=-=-=- 4.17] Mission 17: Parted Memento ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sx417 -=-=-=-=

"Slash away at the dragon and enter the court with the "Quicksilver"."

o- Item Checklist: ------------o----------------------------------------------o
| _ |
| Obtainable Weapons.......[_] | Before anything, let's do another Secret
| Blue Orb Fragments....... _1 | Mission, shall we? To trigger it, return from
| Yellow Orb...............[_] | whence you came and cross the broken, but
| Secret Missions.......... _1 | note that you can't fall into the water. If
| Divinity Statues.........[_] | you fall, you'll have to reset the game. The
| | best way to cross is using Air Raid ;P.
.:*' Secret Mission 11 - Blue Gem in the Sky '*:.
-- "Acquire the Blue Orb that's located high in the sky". --

Many people this Secret Mission is one of the hardest. Just kill the Sin
Scythe the way I told you to the first time we met him and afterwards, jump on
top of the arch right above the door. You might remember doing this, eh? From
here, simply jump and use Air Raid. Now fly towards the Blue Orb Fragment what
is almost in middle of the bridge.


Return inside the painting and go to the top of the spiral staircase and enter
the door. Approach the end of the room to have a painting appear just like
before. Enter it and try going in the door to be greeted with a scene with a
new type of enemy, the Frosts, and two of them. They're like an evolved form of
the Blades, but with Ice elemental... and you know what is weak against ice,
right? That's right, Ifrit is a great choice against them, specially if you
have Inferno, with two of them and they're gone. Now enter the door.

In this hall, follow it to the end, ignoring the forking path to the right and
killing the Marionettes and Fetishes if you want. There's a skeleton dragon in
this room, and it'll be throwing fireballs towards you. What you need to do is
to slash the fireballs right back at it, 3 times total to destroy it. A mirror
appeared near the entrance of the room, so use the crank right next to it to
trigger a scene.

Now jump on to the second floor on the right side, go outside and a 'Blue Orb
Fragment' will drop. Get it and start jumping on the blue platforms that only
appear when lightning strikes and cross to the other side, then grab the

Remember the forking path you ignored previously? Go there and use the
Quicksilver at the door to open it to trigger a scene with Nelo Angelo.

Boss #9 - Nelo Angelo (3rd)

Once again, Nelo Angelo. He has the same attacks as before, plus some more
that look a lot like Dante's moves when he has Ifrit equipped. To me, he's
easier than before. Also, a good strategy I used (and discovered while writing
this), is to use Alastor, and while in Devil Form, attack him with the sword
non stop, even if he blocks. This way, when you make him take his "shield" off,
you'll keep hitting him, and staggering him, so do it Fast and Furious. Also,
if your DT empties, use your Handguns to refill them, or Taunt Nelo using R2.
He also has some new attacks, in which he'll start floating on top of the door
you just used and start throwing crystal swords at you.


Watch the scene after the battle to find something out something really

=-=-=-=- 4.18] Mission 18: Spirit Stone, "Elixir" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sx418 -=-=-=-=

"Throw the "Philosopher's Egg" into the fire and transform it into a Spirit

o- Item Checklist: ------------o----------------------------------------------o
| |
| Obtainable Weapons....Sparda | Watch the scene as you start and you'll
| Blue Orb Fragments....... _3 | receive the 'Perfect Amulet' and also one,
| Yellow Orb...............[_] | if not the best weapon in the game, Sparda.
| Secret Missions..........[_] | Go in the black hole, then enter the right
| Divinity Statues.........[_] | painting to be underwater. Break some barrels
| | in this small room for some Red Orbs, enter
o------------------------------o the next room using the hole in the wall and
then enter the room right in front of the one
you're in. You'll find a lot of Red Orbs in this small room and when you're
done, return to the hall, go right and enter the room on the left to find a
lone barrel with a 'Blue Orb Fragment'. Now proceed to the next room.

Kill three Sin Scissors in this room, then exit the water area. In this tower,
(remember it?), locate the rune clock, face it and to Dante's right on an upper
level is a little platform sticking out. Hit the rune clock, then swim there
and wait until the water drains. If done well, a 'Blue Orb Fragment' will drop
on you.

Hit the rune clock again and go to the top of the tower to find the
'Philosopher's Egg'. Now start descending the stairs and enter the red door
when you get to it. Enter the door on the top right of the area and get a 'Blue
Orb Fragment' at the end of the hall. Now go to the floor and examine the blue
light, use the Philosopher's Egg to have Nightmare appear again and play with

Boss #10 - Nightmare (2nd)

Nightmare, hardest boss in all the game. He's simply so powerful, that it's
worth writing all attacks and everything about him.

Nightmare has two forms, liquid and solid. When he's liquid, hit any of the
rune clocks until it fills to have Nightmare gets solid. He also, just like the
Shadows, has a core, which can appear either in his ass, or over his back. He
has 2 attacks when it comes out of his ass and 1 attack when it comes over his
back. He has a new attack, and it's when the core appears on the back, he
throws at you what looks like a boomerang.

Maggots: An attack that he has when in liquid form. He'll send "maggots"
towards you, sticking to you and exploding, turning the place into a
small iceberg. Simply run to shake them off

Swallow: Another attack when he's in his liquid form. A "mouth" similar to the
ones the Shadows have will try and engulf you from the bottom, taking
to another "dimension". Simply jump to avoid it. Also, in this first
battle with Nightmare, you'll have to fight Phantom in this other
dimension. At the second fight, you'll have to kill Griffon and at the
third, you'll have to fight Nelo.

Machine Gun: When Nightmare turns to his solid form, the first thing he'll do
is use this attack. Simply run to avoid the attack.

Claw: This is one attack that he uses when the core comes right out of behind.
He'll try to impale you three times, so be really careful. The claw comes
out of his left side.

Pin Missile: Another attack from behind. I highly recommend having Ifrit's
Rolling Blaze, so at the moment you jump, you can return him his

Ice Beam: This is my favorite. When the core comes out of his back, wait until
all the light coming out vanishes, jump on his back and beat the shit
out of him.

Boomerang: When the core comes out of his back, find a safe spot or start Air
Raiding and attacking him so you can evade it's attack.

These are the attacks. The best way to hurt him is to wait until he's about to
use his Ice Beam, then use Air Raid and/or if you have it, Inferno. Also, if
you're using Sparda, which is good, attack the core. Sparda's power is equal to
the power Alastor has during DT.


After defeating Nightmare, check the blue flame to receive the "Elixir" and
finish the mission.

=-=-=-=- 4.19] Mission 19: Enter the Corrupted World ~~~~~~~~~~~ sx419 -=-=-=-=

"Open the gate to the Underworld."

o- Item Checklist: ------------o----------------------------------------------o
| _ |
| Obtainable Weapons.......[_] | Use the black hole that appeared in the
| Blue Orb Fragments....... _2 | previous mission and backtrack to the bridge,
| Yellow Orb...............[_] | where you used the Staff of Hermes. Enter the
| Secret Missions..........[_] | right painting and examine the mirror twice
| Divinity Statues......... 1 | to go through it. Now exit the room like if
| | you were to fight Nelo. Drop and get the
o------------------------------o 'Philosopher's Stone' from the center of the
area to trigger a scene with a new enemy, the
Nobody. Use physical attacks to kill these suckers.

Now go to the top and before dropping, wall jump on top of the right
structure, then drop down to get the 'Blue Orb Fragment'. Return to the top and
before dropping again, wall jump on top of the tower to the left (where you got
the Blue Orb Fragment during Mission 5) to get another 'Blue Orb Fragment'. Now
return to the room where you first met Nightmare and examine the pond to enter
the Underworld.

Now simply examine the purple gem in front of the cyan wall to use the
Philosopher's Stone. Now jump down to finish the mission.

=-=-=-=- 4.20] Mission 20: Showdown with Nightmare ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sx420 -=-=-=-=

"Head to the place of sacrifice."

o- Item Checklist: ------------o----------------------------------------------o
| _ |
| Obtainable Weapons.......[_] | Proceed through the nasty path, hit the
| Blue Orb Fragments.......[_] | membrane at the end and in this room, kill
| Yellow Orb...............[_] | the Frosts if you want, then enter the
| Secret Missions..........[_] | membrane on the opposite side of where you
| Divinity Statues......... 1 | entered. A scene triggers as you enter,
| | making you fight Nightmare one last time.

Boss #11 - Nightmare (3rd)

Nightmare, hardest boss in all the game. He's simply so powerful, that it's
worth writing all attacks and everything about him.

Nightmare has two forms, liquid and solid. When he's liquid, hit any of the
rune clocks until it fills to have Nightmare gets solid. He also, just like the
Shadows, has a core, which can appear either in his ass, or over his back. He
has 2 attacks when it comes out of his ass and 1 attack when it comes over his
back. He has a new attack, and it's when the core appears on the back, he
throws at you what looks like a boomerang.

Maggots: An attack that he has when in liquid form. He'll send "maggots"
towards you, sticking to you and exploding, turning the place into a
small iceberg. Simply run to shake them off

Swallow: Another attack when he's in his liquid form. A "mouth" similar to the
ones the Shadows have will try and engulf you from the bottom, taking
to another "dimension". Simply jump to avoid it. Also, in this first
battle with Nightmare, you'll have to fight Phantom in this other
dimension. At the second fight, you'll have to kill Griffon and at the
third, you'll have to fight Nelo.

Machine Gun: When Nightmare turns to his solid form, the first thing he'll do
is use this attack. Simply run to avoid the attack.

Claw: This is one attack that he uses when the core comes right out of behind.
He'll try to impale you three times, so be really careful. The claw comes
out of his left side.

Pin Missile: Another attack from behind. I highly recommend having Ifrit's
Rolling Blaze, so at the moment you jump, you can return him his

Ice Beam: This is my favorite. When the core comes out of his back, wait until
all the light coming out vanishes, jump on his back and beat the shit
out of him.

Boomerang: When the core comes out of his back, find a safe spot or start Air
Raiding and attacking him so you can evade it's attack.

These are the attacks. The best way to hurt him is to wait until he's about to
use his Ice Beam, then use Air Raid and/or if you have it, Inferno. Also, if
you're using Sparda, which is good, attack the core. Sparda's power is equal to
the power Alastor has during DT.

Once you've dealt like 5/6 of it's health a scene triggers and now you also
have to keep moving so you can avoid the attacks. Once you've taken all his
health away, he'll regain like 40% of his health, and will also go berserk, so
attack it with Air Raid to be a bit safer.


Watch the kick ass scene after the battle.

=-=-=-=- 4.21] Mission 21: Living Cave ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sx421 -=-=-=-=

"Pulsate the heart and open the last gate."

o- Item Checklist: ------------o----------------------------------------------o
| _ |
| Obtainable Weapons.......[_] | From where you start, go right and grab the
| Blue Orb Fragments.......[_] | 'Holy Water', then locate the Divinity
| Yellow Orb...............[_] | Statue. Examine the wall in front of it to
| Secret Missions.......... _1 | enter the last Secret Mission.
| Divinity Statues.........[_] |
| |
.:*' Secret Mission 12 - Hidden Bangle '*:.
-- "Find the hidden bangle that resides in the secret corridor". --

This Secret Mission looks more like a normal mission. Follow the path and at
the fork you come across, go either way and get the complete 'Blue Orb' that's
waiting for you there. Kill the Nobody and follow the northern path, then kill
another Nobody and keep following the northern path.

When the path forks to the left, ignore it and keep going north, kill the
Nobody and enter the membrane. You'll now be in what looks like the inside of a
volcano. Go to the left to find a huge Red Orb Stone. Break it and return to
the left side of the entrance to find some ledges. Climb on them, then kill the
dinosaur blowing fire (hit it) to have some Frosts appear on the lower level.
Once you kill them, return to the platform where you destroyed the dinosaur and
follow the left path, timing your jumps on the eyeball platforms. At the top,
you'll see something shining. Examine it to get the 'Bangle of Time'.


Check the door to the right side of the Holy Water you picked up earlier. Go
to the opposite side of the room and hit the big white orb to open a door in
the previous room. Return to the previous room and enter the membrane shown to
you in the scene.

At the fork you get to, go left, kill the Nobody. Proceed, kill another Nobody
and at the forking path to the right, keep going north to find another Nobody.
Kill in and enter the membrane.

You'll be in another room that looks like the inside of a volcano. Kill both
Plasmas that are here and follow the path until you reach a rune clock. Go up
the ledges, then the platforms. Destroy the Red Orb Stone, hit the rune clock
and keep going up until you get to a membrane, which you should enter.

You'll be at the room with the heart, so jump to the other side, hit the rune
clock to have the door to Mundus open. Simply drop, open the door to finish the

=-=-=-=- 4.22] Mission 22: Legendary Battle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sx422 -=-=-=-=


o- Item Checklist: ------------o----------------------------------------------o
| _ |
| Obtainable Weapons.......[_] | Oooook, the final battle with Mundus is
| Blue Orb Fragments.......[_] | near. Simply walk forward to trigger a scene
| Yellow Orb...............[_] | then the first fight with Mundus.
| Secret Missions..........[_] |
| Divinity Statues.........[_] |
| |

Boss #12 - Mundus (1st)

Finally, time to battle Mundus. His attacks deal a lot of damage, so be really
careful. You'll be flying during the whole battle, so the controls change a
little bit. Instead of jumping, you can now speed up while keeping pressed the
jump button. You shoot fireballs with the shooting button and do a Vortex with
the sword button.

When Mundus has 4 balls floating around him, shoot them down so you can
actually damage him. He also has an attack that looks like Nightmare's machine
Gun, only that he has 6 circles instead of 2. There's another attack in which
he throws red spears at you, from his hands and from the back. Just circle the
screen to avoid them all. He also has an attack that looks like Griffon's
Lightning Pillars, as well as some meteorites (these are not from Griffon).
When your DT fills, you can invoke a dragon to do massive damage on Mundus.
Wait a moment, almost forgot another attack. When you see that white glyphs are
appearing around Mundus, he'll use a beam that is either vertical or

I suggest filling all your Devil Symbols and then invoke the dragon. Keep this
and you'll win the battle.


Boss #13 - Mundus (2nd)

Mundus gets hard as hell. You'll see several orbs floating around the
battlefield. The small ones throw you little bullets, while the big ones just
stay there. You can destroy the large orbs to have it refill your DT by 4
symbols. He will pull towards himself the large orbs that were left there,
sending you a powerful beam for each large orb he absorbed. You can repel these
by hitting them with your sword. He also has a meteor attack like Phantom's,
but you know how to evade that one, right?

Also, when a fire dragon appears, try killing it for health. Use all the items
you need, specially Devil Stars. Use DT as soon as you can to deal massive
damage on Mundus.


Watch the very sad scene after the fights.

=-=-=-=- 4.23] Mission 23: Mother's Guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sx423 -=-=-=-=

"Escape Mallet Island before it collapses."

o- Item Checklist: ------------o----------------------------------------------o
| _ |
| Obtainable Weapons.......[_] | You now have 5 minutes to leave Mallet
| Blue Orb Fragments.......[_] | Island. When you get to the room where you
| Yellow Orb...............[_] | fought Nightmare, you have to kill the
| Secret Missions..........[_] | Nobodies in here, so do so. Also, on the
| Divinity Statues.........[_] | opposite side of the room, check the right
| | side for an 'Untouchable'. When you reach the
o------------------------------o hall where Phantom chased you the first time,
kill the enemies that appear and enter the
airplane room. A scene triggers as you enter and time to play with Mundus

Boss #14 - Mundus (3rd)

This boss is so easy. Simply kill him with the Grenadegun until someone
appears, gives you the power. With Ebony & Ivory, simply charge the guns, shoot
to have the DT fill to the fullest. Now use the DT and shoot to end the battle.


Watch the scene afterwards, then you'll need to exit the island using the
plane in the previous room. Shoot the spires that block the way.

This is the end of this wonderful game. So, go make some popcorn (I went and go
grab milk and cereal ;p) and enjoy the ending!

"Au Revoir!"

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