Senin, 08 Juli 2013

devil may cry walkthrough part 2

2] Game Basics ( ) sx200 )(
~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~
\/ \/ \/

Here, I'll give you the basics of this game, which are the controls and some
of the story (from the Instruction Booklet), and I think that's pretty much it.

=-=-=-=- 2.1] Story ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sx201 -=-=-=-=

- Devil May Cry Instruction Booklet

According to legend, 2000 years ago while snow was falling on a clear,
freezing night on Earth, a fierce devil prince was born deep in the
darkest pit of the netherworld.

He grew rapidly. Within a short time he gained his full powers and took
into the Devil Throne. His first act as a ruler of all devils was to
declare himself emperor of the Devil Kingdom. His next feat was an
invasion of the human world. His plan was to conquer it and rule over
both the lower and upper realms.

But a powerful devil-knight known as Sparda took pity on humans for
their brief, transient lives. In fierce battles he defeated all the
Devil ruler's armies and finally imprisoned him in a sealed vault.

Having achieved his victory, Sparda abandoned the Devil Kingdom to live
in the human world. He married a human woman and soon fathered a half
devil, half man son.

But beware, mankind. After 2000 years, the cursed Devil Emperor will be
released and will return to invade the human world once again.

Sparda's son must be our protector!

- From Devil World History (age unknown)
house in the library of Forbidden Books

=-=-=-=- 2.2] Controls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sx202 -=-=-=-=

- Devil May Cry Instruction Booklet

- L analog...........Move Dante
= D-pad....:.......Move Selection Cursor
- R analog...........Nothing
- X Button..........Confirm Selection
:......R1 (hold)+ X Button= Gun Attack
:...../\+ R1 (hold)+ X Button= Air Raid (Alastor only)
- O Button..........Sword or punch/kick attack
:.......O button (hold)= Round Trip (after acquiring Red Orbs)
- /\ Button..........Cancel Selection
:....../\+ /\ button= Double Jump (off an object)
:...../\+ /\ button= Air Hike (after acquiring Red Orbs)
:....<-/-> + R1 (hold)+ /\ button= Rolling Dodge
- [] Button..........Same as X Button
- R1 Button..........Turn Pages in Sub Screed (hold)
:.......(hold) Lock on nearest enemy
- R2 Button..........Taunt Enemy
- R3 Button..........Toggle Between Thunder Devil/Fire Devil (after acquiring
- L1 Button..........Devil Trigger
:.......Turn pages in Sub Screen
- L2 Button..........Display Map
- L3 Button..........Nothing
- Start..............Start game
:.......Display Sub Screen
- Select.............Skip movie/cut-scenes
:.......Pause and display Pause Menu

/\ /\ /\
~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~
)( 3] Characters ( ) sx300 )(
~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~
\/ \/ \/

The characters, mainly the main character, are some of the best characters in
all games. Here is some info of them.

(-| \

Dante is a freelance underground mercenary in modern America. But his
secret persona is even more extraordinary! He slays bloodthirsty devils
from the depths of burning hell with his huge sword and dual-wielded
handguns. Even a devil may cry begging for Dante's mercy.


Trish is a hauntingly beautiful woman who invites Dante to Mallet
Island, gateway to the devil world. She possesses supernatural powers
and vast knowledge about devils. It is said she knows Dante's secret
history. But what is her true identity and purpose?

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_| _|undus

_, _,
(-|\ |
_| \|elo Angelo

Since many of the greater devils appearing in literature were greater angels,
it is not surprising that this black knight is called Nelo Angelo, the "black
angel". It is said that he fights his enemy fairly and squarely, a rarity in a
warrior from hell. If he is truly a practitioner of honor, why does he follow
the Dark Power?

/\ /\ /\
~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~
)( 4] In-depth Walkthrough ( ) sx400 )(
~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)(~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~
\/ \/ \/

Before getting started with the guide, let me address something: At the Item
Checklist, I wrote: Obtainable Weapon, Blue Orb Fragment, Red Orb Pedestal,
Secret Mission and Divinity Statue; where I'll write down the following:

- Obtainable Weapons: I'll name here the weapon(s) you'll receive during the
mission, if there's any, of course.
- Blue Orb Fragments: I'll only list the total number of Blue Orb Fragments
you'll obtain during the mission.
- Secret Missions: As always, if there's one or more secret missions during the
mission, I'll write down the number of them.
- Divinity Statues: Number of Divinity Statues in the mission areas.


Well, please open the CD Tray, insert your Devil May Cry DVD in your Sony
PlayStation 2 and close the CD Tray. You'll be enjoying during a lot of hours
this game, just because you want to get better and better each second. You'll
have three options at the start screen, which are New Game, Load and Options.
Choose New Game and set the difficulty of the game. If you're first-timers, I
really suggest playing in Normal, because I used the "Normal" difficulty as the
default for making the guide.

=-=-=-=- 4.x] Overture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sx40x -=-=-=-=

o- Item Checklist: ------------o----------------------------------------------o
| _ |
| Obtainable Weapons.......[_] | Watch the kick ass scene at the very
| Blue Orb Fragments........ 1 | beginning of the game, watching Dante's
| Yellow Orb................ 1 | father, Sparda, in the background, while some
| Secret Missions..........[¯] | of the story is narrated. Also watch the
| Divinity Statues.........[¯] | scene where Trish enters Dante's local (see
| ¯ | any similitude between Trish and the woman
o------------------------------o in the photograph?).

When you gain control for the first time, follow the path, get the 'Yellow
Orb' when you come to it and follow the stone path a bit until you get to an
arch with a little chapel-like roof at the left side of the screen. Try jumping
of the wall of the arch to land on the arch itself and go under the chapel-like
roof to find a 'Blue Orb Fragment'.

Return to the bottom and keep following the path until you enter some sort of

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