Demon Fusion Guide
is where you can find how to make the demon you want, although it is
not guaranteed because there are a few factors that play into what you
get including level and the types of demons fusing together. If your
results are not here, then feel free to add them.Three-Way Fusions
3 Players are needed to make a Triple Fusion. All 3 monsters MUST be friends w/ their masters (I don't remember the exact level the friendship has to be at and the players must be in a party together.
Suzaku(Lvl 49) |Phoenix+Kirin+Badhbh Cath
|[Possible only with Suzaku's Plugin]
Mot(Lvl 85) |Odin+Hel+Chernobog[Possible only with Mot's Plugin]
BishamoTen(Lvl 72)|JikokuTen+KoumokuTen+Rakshasa/Yaksini
|[Possible only with BishamoTen's Plugin]
Uriel(Lvl 80) |Dominion+Virtue+Power[Possible only with Uriel's Plugin]
Surt(Lvl 72) |Jikoku-Ten+Fenrir+Shiki-Ouji[Possible only with Surt's Plugin]
Loki(Lvl 69) |Odin+Fenrir+Hel
Hecate(Lvl 59) |Artemis+Quetzalcoatl+Yakushi
King Frost(Lvl40) |Jack Frost+Undeveloped Jack Frost+Mutated Jack Frost
Mithra(Lvl 74) |Throne+Jikoku-Ten+Kali
Odin(Lvl 70) |Yata-Garasu+Slepnir+Valkyrie
Thoth(Lvl 42) |Sarausvati+Phoenix+Kaichi
Demons worth mentioning for fusion material:
- the Baphomet starts with a VERY powerful Zio AoE (forgot the name) which makes farming Inugamis easy
- Dis starts w/ Agilao, a decently powerful fire spell
- The Lost Hua Po will learn the passive +10% Max MP skill around level 20 or so.
- If you want a Sudama as your demon, overwrite its suidide attack or it will hate you because of its own stupidity.
- Lilims are actually quite powerful for such low level demons.
- Fomoria has the passive skill +10% HP Boost
- In previous SMT titles the Arahabaki was immune to ALL PHYSICAL ATTACKS. I wonder if he is in this one, too?
you can get a lvl 30 unseasoned Ganga from the IC-Chip quest from DB
Watanabe in Shinjuku Babel. This demon starts w/ Mediarama
Cerberus = Nimble Cerberus + Aeros
Naga = Onmoraki + Nimble Cerberus
Caith Sith x Leader Pixie= Divine Angel
Divine Angel x Orthus (there's an inexperienced one in Shuginami it's lvl 15 I use it) = Unicorn lvl 21
Divine Angel x Kodama= Noctornus Alp
Noctornus Alp x Orthus= Holy Beast Shiisha
Holy Beast Shiisha x Caith Sith = Godly Beast Makaui lvl 22 (its the higher rank Inugami I susppose)
Leader Pixie x Kodoma = Garm
Divine Angel x Leader Pixie = Godness Hathor
Godness Hathor x Fallen Angel Andras = Archangel lvl17
Femme Datsude Ba x Earth Element Knocker = Bicorn lvl 17
Bicorn x Orthus = Sudama lvl 17
Divine Angel x Noctornus Alp = Dragon King Nazuchi (lvl 14?)
Noctornus Alp x Shiisha = Earth Mother Kikume Hime lvl 18
Bicorn x Kodoma = Brute-Kappa Tengu
E.M. Kikume Hime x Bicorn = Haunt Yokka lvl 24
E.M. Kikume Hime x Orthus = Dragon King Naga lvl 24
Kappa Tengu x Archangel = Yoma Dis lvl 23
Kappa Tengu x E.M. Kikume Hime = Archangel
Kappa Tengu x Orthus = Femme Tarokka lvl 25
Archangel x Gondess Hathor = Heavenly God Omaikou lvl 31
Apsaras X Isora = Aquans
High Pixie+Shiisa=Hathor
Inexperienced Cait Sith X Kodama = Apsaras
Jack Frost x Ethrys = High Pixie level 15
Lost Hua Po x Brave Garm = Azumi level 10
Lost Hua Po x High Pixie = Garm level 9
Lost Hua Po x Unseasoned Cait Sith = Apsaras level 8
High Pixie x Brave Garm = Ocypete level 25
High Pixie x Unseasoned Cait Sith = Angel level 11
Unseasoned Cait Sith x Brave Garm = Knocker level 11
Kodama x High Pixie = Bicorn level 17
Kodama x unseasoned Cait Sith = Apsaras level 8
Lost Hua Po x Kodama = Erthys level 7
Kodama x Brave Garm = Azumi level 10
Erthys x High Pixie = Pyro Jack level 20
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Cait Sith = Aeros level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x High Pixie = Angel level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Erthys = Cait Sith level 7
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Brave Garm = Knocker level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Kodama = Apsaras level 8
Aquas + Angel = Archangel (17)
Aquas + Archangel = Principality (25)
Aquas + Principality = Power (36)
Aquas + Power = Virtue (51)
Aquas + Virtue = Dominion (64)
Aquas + Dominion = Throne (71)
Flamies + Angel = Archangel (17)
Flamies + Archangel = Principality (25)
Flamies + Principality = Power (36)
Flamies + Power = Virtue (51)
Flamies + Virtue = Dominion (64)
Flamies + Dominion = Throne (71)
Erthys + Angel = Angel (11)
Erthys + Archangel = Angel (11)
Erthys + Principality = Archangel (17)
Erthys + Power = Principality (25)
Erthys + Virtue = Power (36)
Erthys + Dominion = Virtue (51)
Erthys + Throne = Dominion (64)
Aeros + Angel = Angel (11)
Aeros + Archangel = Angel (11)
Aeros + Principality = Archangel (17)
Aeros + Power = Principality (25)
Aeros + Virtue = Power (36)
Aeros + Dominion = Virtue (51)
Aeros + Throne = Dominion (64)
Lost Hua Po x Brave Garm = Azumi level 10
Lost Hua Po x High Pixie = Garm level 9
Lost Hua Po x Unseasoned Cait Sith = Apsaras level 8
High Pixie x Brave Garm = Ocypete level 25
High Pixie x Unseasoned Cait Sith = Angel level 11
Unseasoned Cait Sith x Brave Garm = Knocker level 11
Kodama x High Pixie = Bicorn level 17
Kodama x unseasoned Cait Sith = Apsaras level 8
Lost Hua Po x Kodama = Erthys level 7
Kodama x Brave Garm = Azumi level 10
Erthys x High Pixie = Pyro Jack level 20
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Cait Sith = Aeros level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x High Pixie = Angel level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Erthys = Cait Sith level 7
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Brave Garm = Knocker level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Kodama = Apsaras level 8
Aquas + Angel = Archangel (17)
Aquas + Archangel = Principality (25)
Aquas + Principality = Power (36)
Aquas + Power = Virtue (51)
Aquas + Virtue = Dominion (64)
Aquas + Dominion = Throne (71)
Flamies + Angel = Archangel (17)
Flamies + Archangel = Principality (25)
Flamies + Principality = Power (36)
Flamies + Power = Virtue (51)
Flamies + Virtue = Dominion (64)
Flamies + Dominion = Throne (71)
Erthys + Angel = Angel (11)
Erthys + Archangel = Angel (11)
Erthys + Principality = Archangel (17)
Erthys + Power = Principality (25)
Erthys + Virtue = Power (36)
Erthys + Dominion = Virtue (51)
Erthys + Throne = Dominion (64)
Aeros + Angel = Angel (11)
Aeros + Archangel = Angel (11)
Aeros + Principality = Archangel (17)
Aeros + Power = Principality (25)
Aeros + Virtue = Power (36)
Aeros + Dominion = Virtue (51)
Aeros + Throne = Dominion (64)
For those that don't know, you can fuse an elemental with a demon to
either rank up or rank down a demon. So for example, fusing an Aquas
with an Angel will make an Archangel. Fusing an Aquas with an Archangel
with make a Principality (I believe). But fusing an Archangel with an
Erthys will make an Angel. For all demons, two of the elements will
rank it up, and two will rank it down.
So far I only know that two Earth demons make an Erthys. (Hua Po + Kodama would be the easiest to make it)
So far I only know that two Earth demons make an Erthys. (Hua Po + Kodama would be the easiest to make it)
Jack Frost + Pixie is probably the easiest way to get an Aeros.
Jack Frost x Ethrys = High Pixie level 15
Lost Hua Po x Brave Garm = Azumi level 10
Lost Hua Po x High Pixie = Garm level 9
Lost Hua Po x Unseasoned Cait Sith = Apsaras level 8
High Pixie x Brave Garm = Ocypete level 25
High Pixie x Unseasoned Cait Sith = Angel level 11
Unseasoned Cait Sith x Brave Garm = Knocker level 11
Kodama x High Pixie = Bicorn level 17
Kodama x unseasoned Cait Sith = Apsaras level 8
Lost Hua Po x Kodama = Erthys level 7
Kodama x Brave Garm = Azumi level 10
Erthys x High Pixie = Pyro Jack level 20
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Cait Sith = Aeros level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x High Pixie = Angel level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Erthys = Cait Sith level 7
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Brave Garm = Knocker level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Kodama = Apsaras level 8
Lost Hua Po x Brave Garm = Azumi level 10
Lost Hua Po x High Pixie = Garm level 9
Lost Hua Po x Unseasoned Cait Sith = Apsaras level 8
High Pixie x Brave Garm = Ocypete level 25
High Pixie x Unseasoned Cait Sith = Angel level 11
Unseasoned Cait Sith x Brave Garm = Knocker level 11
Kodama x High Pixie = Bicorn level 17
Kodama x unseasoned Cait Sith = Apsaras level 8
Lost Hua Po x Kodama = Erthys level 7
Kodama x Brave Garm = Azumi level 10
Erthys x High Pixie = Pyro Jack level 20
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Cait Sith = Aeros level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x High Pixie = Angel level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Erthys = Cait Sith level 7
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Brave Garm = Knocker level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Kodama = Apsaras level 8
Hua Po+Apsaras=Garm
Angel + Cait Sith = Shisa lv13
Hua Po + Slime = Datsue-ba lv 9
Hua Po + Angel = Alp lv8
Harpy + Gram = Mou Ryou lv11
Angel + Slime = Andras lv15
Azumi + Cait sith = Taraka
Cockatrice + Nimble Cerberus = Hel - (not sure if the nimble is required)
Cockatrice + Angel = Ocypete
Angel + Nimble Cerberus = Unicorn
Harpy + Nimble Cerberus = Bicorn
Harpy + Cockatrice = Zhen
Harpy + Angel = High Pixie
Unicorn + Pyro Jack = Ameno-Uzume
Ameno-Uzume + Harpy = Houou
Ameno-Uzume + Cockatrice = Baphomet
Unseasoned Ganga + Adept Aquans = Coatlicue (unseasoned shouldnt matter here as all elementals/spirits rank down dragons as far as i know)
Baphomet + Ocypete = Basilisk
Cockatrice + Angel = Ocypete
Angel + Nimble Cerberus = Unicorn
Harpy + Nimble Cerberus = Bicorn
Harpy + Cockatrice = Zhen
Harpy + Angel = High Pixie
Unicorn + Pyro Jack = Ameno-Uzume
Ameno-Uzume + Harpy = Houou
Ameno-Uzume + Cockatrice = Baphomet
Unseasoned Ganga + Adept Aquans = Coatlicue (unseasoned shouldnt matter here as all elementals/spirits rank down dragons as far as i know)
Baphomet + Ocypete = Basilisk
i hope it help ^^
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