Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Demon Fusion Guide II

Demon Fusion Guide This is a featured pageII

Here is where you can find how to make the demon you want, although it is not guaranteed because there are a few factors that play into what you get including level and the types of demons fusing together. If your results are not here, then feel free to add them.

 Three-Way Fusions

 3 Players are needed to make a Triple Fusion. All 3 monsters MUST be friends w/ their masters (I don't remember the exact level the friendship has to be at and the players must be in a party together.

Suzaku(Lvl 49)    |Phoenix+Kirin+Badhbh Cath
                  |[Possible only with Suzaku's Plugin]


Mot(Lvl 85)       |Odin+Hel+Chernobog[Possible only with Mot's Plugin]


BishamoTen(Lvl 72)|JikokuTen+KoumokuTen+Rakshasa/Yaksini
                  |[Possible only with BishamoTen's Plugin]


Uriel(Lvl 80)     |Dominion+Virtue+Power[Possible only with Uriel's Plugin]


Surt(Lvl 72)      |Jikoku-Ten+Fenrir+Shiki-Ouji[Possible only with Surt's Plugin]
Loki(Lvl 69)      |Odin+Fenrir+Hel
Hecate(Lvl 59)    |Artemis+Quetzalcoatl+Yakushi
King Frost(Lvl40) |Jack Frost+Undeveloped Jack Frost+Mutated Jack Frost


Mithra(Lvl 74)    |Throne+Jikoku-Ten+Kali
Odin(Lvl 70)      |Yata-Garasu+Slepnir+Valkyrie
Thoth(Lvl 42)     |Sarausvati+Phoenix+Kaichi

  Demons worth mentioning for fusion material:
 - the Baphomet starts with a VERY powerful Zio AoE (forgot the name) which makes farming  Inugamis easy
 - Dis starts w/ Agilao, a decently powerful fire spell
 - The Lost Hua Po will learn the passive +10% Max MP skill around level 20 or so.
 - If you want a Sudama as your demon, overwrite its suidide attack or it will hate you because of its own stupidity. 
 - Lilims are actually quite powerful for such low level demons. 
 - Fomoria has the passive skill +10% HP Boost
 - In  previous SMT titles the Arahabaki was immune to ALL PHYSICAL ATTACKS. I wonder if he is in this one, too?
 - you can get a lvl 30 unseasoned Ganga from the IC-Chip quest from DB Watanabe in Shinjuku Babel. This demon starts w/ Mediarama 

Dawon = Nimble Cerberus + Erthys
Cerberus = Nimble Cerberus + Aeros
Naga = Onmoraki + Nimble Cerberus

Caith Sith x Leader Pixie= Divine Angel
Divine Angel x Orthus (there's an inexperienced one in Shuginami it's lvl 15 I use it) = Unicorn lvl 21
Divine Angel x Kodama= Noctornus Alp
Noctornus Alp x Orthus= Holy Beast Shiisha
Holy Beast Shiisha x Caith Sith = Godly Beast Makaui lvl 22 (its the higher rank Inugami I susppose)
Leader Pixie x Kodoma = Garm
Divine Angel x Leader Pixie = Godness Hathor
Godness Hathor x Fallen Angel Andras = Archangel lvl17
Femme Datsude Ba x Earth Element Knocker = Bicorn lvl 17
Bicorn x Orthus = Sudama lvl 17
Divine Angel x Noctornus Alp = Dragon King Nazuchi (lvl 14?)
Noctornus Alp x Shiisha = Earth Mother Kikume Hime lvl 18
Bicorn x Kodoma = Brute-Kappa Tengu
E.M. Kikume Hime x Bicorn = Haunt Yokka lvl 24
E.M. Kikume Hime x Orthus = Dragon King Naga lvl 24
Kappa Tengu x Archangel = Yoma Dis lvl 23
Kappa Tengu x E.M. Kikume Hime = Archangel
Kappa Tengu x Orthus = Femme Tarokka lvl 25
Archangel x Gondess Hathor = Heavenly God Omaikou lvl 31

 Apsaras X Isora = Aquans

High Pixie+Shiisa=Hathor
Inexperienced Cait Sith X Kodama = Apsaras

Jack Frost x Ethrys = High Pixie level 15
Lost Hua Po x Brave Garm = Azumi level 10
Lost Hua Po x High Pixie = Garm level 9
Lost Hua Po x Unseasoned Cait Sith = Apsaras level 8
High Pixie x Brave Garm = Ocypete level 25
High Pixie x Unseasoned Cait Sith = Angel level 11
Unseasoned Cait Sith x Brave Garm = Knocker level 11
Kodama x High Pixie = Bicorn level 17
Kodama x unseasoned Cait Sith = Apsaras level 8
Lost Hua Po x Kodama = Erthys level 7
Kodama x Brave Garm = Azumi level 10
Erthys x High Pixie = Pyro Jack level 20
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Cait Sith = Aeros level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x High Pixie = Angel level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Erthys = Cait Sith level 7
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Brave Garm = Knocker level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Kodama = Apsaras level 8

Aquas + Angel = Archangel (17)
Aquas + Archangel = Principality (25)
Aquas + Principality = Power (36)
Aquas + Power = Virtue (51)
Aquas + Virtue = Dominion (64)
Aquas + Dominion = Throne (71)

Flamies + Angel = Archangel (17)
Flamies + Archangel = Principality (25)
Flamies + Principality = Power (36)
Flamies + Power = Virtue (51)
Flamies + Virtue = Dominion (64)
Flamies + Dominion = Throne (71)

Erthys + Angel = Angel (11)
Erthys + Archangel = Angel (11)
Erthys + Principality = Archangel (17)
Erthys + Power = Principality (25)
Erthys + Virtue = Power (36)
Erthys + Dominion = Virtue (51)
Erthys + Throne = Dominion (64)

Aeros + Angel = Angel (11)
Aeros + Archangel = Angel (11)
Aeros + Principality = Archangel (17)
Aeros + Power = Principality (25)
Aeros + Virtue = Power (36)
Aeros + Dominion = Virtue (51)
Aeros + Throne = Dominion (64)
 For those that don't know, you can fuse an elemental with a demon to either rank up or rank down a demon. So for example, fusing an Aquas with an Angel will make an Archangel. Fusing an Aquas with an Archangel with make a Principality (I believe). But fusing an Archangel with an Erthys will make an Angel. For all demons, two of the elements will rank it up, and two will rank it down.

So far I only know that two Earth demons make an Erthys. (Hua Po + Kodama would be the easiest to make it)
 Jack Frost + Pixie is probably the easiest way to get an Aeros.
 Jack Frost x Ethrys = High Pixie level 15
Lost Hua Po x Brave Garm = Azumi level 10
Lost Hua Po x High Pixie = Garm level 9
Lost Hua Po x Unseasoned Cait Sith = Apsaras level 8
High Pixie x Brave Garm = Ocypete level 25
High Pixie x Unseasoned Cait Sith = Angel level 11
Unseasoned Cait Sith x Brave Garm = Knocker level 11
Kodama x High Pixie = Bicorn level 17
Kodama x unseasoned Cait Sith = Apsaras level 8
Lost Hua Po x Kodama = Erthys level 7
Kodama x Brave Garm = Azumi level 10
Erthys x High Pixie = Pyro Jack level 20
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Cait Sith = Aeros level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x High Pixie = Angel level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Erthys = Cait Sith level 7
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Brave Garm = Knocker level 11
Unseasoned Cu Sith x Kodama = Apsaras level 8
 Hua Po+Apsaras=Garm

Angel + Cait Sith = Shisa lv13
Hua Po + Slime = Datsue-ba lv 9
Hua Po + Angel = Alp lv8
Harpy + Gram = Mou Ryou lv11
Angel + Slime = Andras lv15
 Azumi + Cait sith = Taraka
 Cockatrice + Nimble Cerberus = Hel - (not sure if the nimble is required)
Cockatrice + Angel = Ocypete
Angel + Nimble Cerberus = Unicorn
Harpy + Nimble Cerberus = Bicorn
Harpy + Cockatrice = Zhen
Harpy + Angel = High Pixie
Unicorn + Pyro Jack = Ameno-Uzume
Ameno-Uzume + Harpy = Houou
Ameno-Uzume + Cockatrice = Baphomet
Unseasoned Ganga + Adept Aquans = Coatlicue (unseasoned shouldnt matter here as all elementals/spirits rank down dragons as far as i know)
Baphomet + Ocypete = Basilisk
 i hope it help ^^

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Lengsir Wengi, Lagu pemanggil Hantu?

Lengsir Wengi, Lagu pemanggil Hantu

| Thursday, May 24, 2012

Konon dengan mendengarkan lagu “kidung lingsir wengi” pas waktu-waktu tertentu, Kuntilanak akan datang menjumpai orang yang mendengarkannya……
Liriknya seperti ini :

Lingsir wengi sliramu tumeking sirno… Ojo tangi nggonmu guling… Awas jo ngetoro… Aku lagi bang wingo wingo… Jin setan kang tak utusi… Dadyo sebarang… Wojo lelayu sebet… Dalam Bahasa indonesia : Menjelang malam, dirimu akan lenyap… Jangan bangun dari tempat tidurmu… Awas jangan menampakkan diri… Aku sedang dalam kemarahan besar… Jin dan setan yang kuperintah… Menjadi perantara… Untuk mencabut nyawamu…

Berikut adalah kisah kejadian yang dialami oleh seorang member Kaskuser:

bbrp tahun yg lalu saya pernah mengalami kejadian begini :
Suatu malam tiba2 saya terjaga dari tidur, lalu saya melihat pintu kamar saya terbuka pelan2… keadaan saat itu samar2 karena lampu di kamar saya matikan sebelum tidur.
Tiba2 terdengar alunan lagu-lagu jawa seperti lingsir wengi, padahal saya sendiri tidak bisa berbahasa jawa, setelah itu seorang nenek memakai baju khas jawa masuk ke kamar sambil bergumam berbahasa jawa.
Spontan saya ketakutan, tetapi badan saya tidak bisa digerakkan seperti tertindih, saya terus memperhatikan nenek2 itu…, tiba2 nenek itu terdiam dan memperhatikan saya… lalu dia tertawa kecil.
Setelah itu, nenek tersebut mendekati saya yg waktu itu masih dalam posisi terlentang tidur, nenek itu terus bergumam bahasa jawa seakan2 sedang ngobrol. Saat nenek itu berdiri di dekat kaki saya, dia jongkok kecil dan menyentuh paha saya dengan jari dia.
Saya pikir ini cuman mimpi buruk, tetapi ketika dia menyentuh paha saya… sangat terasa nyata…, saya pun memaksakan diri untuk berontak dan berhasil bangun sambil mengepal tangan saya dan memukul nenek itu, tetapi malah angin yg saya pukul. nenek itu tiba2 lenyap.
keringat saya mengucur… dan napas saya tersengal2…
Nah setelah mendengar lagu lingsir wengi, saya menjadi teringat kembali kejadian itu.

Sebenernya apa sih Lagu ‘kidung lingsir wengi’? Sebelum kami membahas lebih lanjut tentang lagu ini, sebaiknya Anda dengarkan dulu lagu tersebut sampai habis, sebelum melangkah kebacaan selanjutnya, lagunya bisa anda download disini.
Sudah dengar kan lagunya? Mari kita lanjutkan bacaan ini, dan ini sedikit berita dari Prambors :

lagu ini menjadi bahan omongan di Prambors, ada beberapa wadyabala yang merasa “digoda” disaat tertidur setelah mendengar lagu ini…Panda dan Utha bahkan gak mau denger lagu ini ampe abisss.. hehe gosipnya lagu ini bisa memanggil mahluk yang kasat mata…
tapi jangan mudah percaya namanya juga gosipp!

Benarkah demikian ?
Ternyata Kidung ini Plesetan dari Aslinya yang diciptakan Sunan Kalijaga, berikut bantahan lagu tersebut seperti yang dilansir blog :
Sangat sangat disayangkan, bila ada yang menganggap kidung rumekso ing wengi adalah lagu/kidungnya mbakyu kunti…
Padahal kanjeng sunan kalijogo menciptakan/membuat kidung itu untuk ‘unen2′ yang dalam masyarakat jawa/kejawen sebagai pengganti dzikir/wirid oleh muslim jawa pada waktu dulu sehabis melakukan sholat malam.
Bila lebih dicermati kidung tersebut dikenal karena berisi mantra tolak balak,
Laku kidung ini mengingatkan manusia agar mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, sehingga terhindar dari kutukan dan malapetaka yang lebih dahsyat. Dengan demikian kita dituntut untuk senantiasa berbakti, beriman dan taqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
Sedangkan fungsi kidung secara eksplisit tersurat dalam kalimat kidung itu, yang antara lain; Penolak balak di malam hari, seperti teluh, santet, duduk, ngama, maling, penggawe ala dan semua malapetaka. Pembebas semua benda . Penyembuh penyakit, termasuk gila. Pembebas pageblug. Pemercepat jodoh bagi perawan tua. Menang dalam perang . Memperlancar cita-cita luhur dan mulia.
Berikut arti lagu tersebut yang sebenarnya dalam bahasa Indonesia, silahkan dicermati dalam bait mana yang berhubungan dengan mbakyu kunti….
Ada kidung rumekso ing wengi(lagu yang mengalun ditengah malam). Yang menjadikan kuat selamat terbebas
dari semua penyakit. Terbebas dari segala petaka. Jin dan setanpun tidak mau. Segala jenis sihir tidak berani. Apalagi perbuatan jahat.
guna-guna tersingkir. Api menjadi air. Pencuripun menjauh dariku.
Segala bahaya akan lenyap.

Semua penyakit pulang ketempat asalnya. Semua hama menyingkir dengan pandangan kasih. Semua senjata tidak mengena. Bagaikan kapuk jatuh dibesi. Segenap racun menjadi tawar. Binatang buas menjadi jinak. Pohon ajaib, tanah angker, lubang landak, gua orang, tanah miring dan sarang merak.
Kandangnya semua badak. Meski batu dan laut mengering. Pada akhirnya semua slamat. Sebab badannya selamat dikelilingi oleh bidadari, yang dijaga oleh malaikat, dan semua rasul dalam lindungan Tuhan. Hatiku Adam dan otakku nabi Sis. Ucapanku adalah nabi Musa.
Nafasku nabi Isa yang teramat mulia. Nabi Yakup pendenganranku. Nabi Daud menjadi suaraku. Nabi Ibrahim sebagai nyawaku. Nabi sulaiman
menjadi kesaktianku. Nabi Yusuf menjadi rupaku. Nabi Idris menjadi rupaku. Ali sebagai kulitku. Abubakar darahku dan Umar dagingku. Sedangkan Usman sebagai tulangku.

Sumsumku adalah Fatimah yang amat mulia. Siti fatimah sebagai kekuatan badanku. Nanti nabi Ayub ada didalam ususku. Nabi Nuh didalam jantungku. Nabi Yunus didalam otakku. Mataku ialah Nabi Muhamad. Air mukaku rasul dalam lindungan Adam dan Hawa. Maka lengkaplah semua rasul, yang menjadi satu badan.
Nah, sudah mengertikan Anda arti dari lagu ini sesungguhnya, tidak ada yang menakutkan bukan. Sebenarnya sih lagu apa aja bisa buat memangil setan (makhluk halus) asal niatnya negatif karena sang setan sangat senang merasuki manusia yang berpikiran negatif, kita sendiri tidak bisa memungkiri bahwa ada makhluk lain di sekitar kita, namun apapun makhluk itu tidak perlu ditakuti ataupun di banggakan karena yang perlu dibanggakan dan ditakuti hanya Yang Maha Esa.

Source :

25 acts of body languange to avoid

Body Language to Avoid
Our body language exhibits far more information about how we feel than it is possible to articulate verbally.
All of the physical gestures we make are subconsciously interpreted by others.
This can work for or against us depending on the kind of body language we use.
Some gestures project a very positive message, while others do nothing but set a negative tone.
Most people are totally oblivious to their own body language, so the discipline of controlling these gestures can be quite challenging.
Most of them are reflexive in nature, automatically matching up to what our minds are thinking at any given moment.
Nevertheless, with the right information and a little practice, we can train ourselves to overcome most of our negative body language habits.

Practice avoiding these 25 negative gestures:

“ I speak two languages, Body and English. ” — Mae West

  1. Holding Objects in Front of Your Body – a coffee cup, notebook, hand bag, etc. 

    Holding objects in front of your body indicates shyness and resistance, such that you’re hiding behind the objects in an effort to separate yourself from others. 

    Instead of carrying objects in front of you, carry them at your side whenever possible.
  2. Checking the Time or Inspecting Your Fingernails – a strong sign of boredom. 

    Never glance at the time when you’re speaking with someone. 

    Likewise, completely avoid the act of inspecting your fingernails.
  3. Picking Lint Off of Your Clothes – If you pick lint off of your clothes during a conversation, especially in conjunction with looking downwards, most people will assume that you disapprove of their ideas and/or feel uneasy about giving them an honest opinion.  Leave the lint alone!
  4. Stroking Your Chin While Looking at Someone – “I’m judging you!”  People frequently stroke their chin during the decision-making process.

    If you look at someone while you’re stroking your chin, they may assume that you’re making a judgmental decision about them.
  5. Narrowing Your Eyes – If you want to give someone the impression that you don’t like them (or their ideas), narrow your eyes while looking at them.  It immediately places a scowling expression on your face. 

    A slight narrowing of the eyes is an instinctual, universal expression of anger across various species in the animal kingdom (think about the angry expressions of tigers, dogs, etc.). 

    Some people make the mistake of narrowing their eyes during a conversation as a reflex of thinking.  Don’t send people the wrong message… don’t narrow your eyes.
  6. Standing Too Close – This just makes people feel uncomfortable. 

    Most people consider the 4 square feet of space immediately surrounding their body to be personal space.

    Cross this invisible boundary with good friends and intimate mates only.
  7. Looking Down While in the Presence of Others – usually indicates disinterest.  Sometimes it’s even interpreted as a casual sign of arrogance. 

    Always look straight ahead and make eye contact when you see someone you know.
  8. Touching Your Face During a Conversation – Face touching, especially on the nose, is commonly interpreted as an indication of deception. 

    Also, covering up the mouth is a common gesture people make when they’re lying

    Always keep your hands away from your face when you’re speaking.
  9. Faking a Smile – another sign of deception commonly seen on the face of a fraud. 

    A genuine smile wrinkles the corners of the eyes and changes the expression of the entire face. 

    Fake smiles only involve the mouth and lips. 

    It’s easy to distinguish between the two.

    Don’t force yourself to smile… unless it’s for the camera.
  10. Leaning Away From Someone You Like – a sign of being bored and disinterested. 

    Some people may also interpret it to mean: “I don’t like you.” 

    People typically lean towards people they like and away from people they dislike. 

    This is especially true when they are sitting around a table. 

    If you lean away from someone you like, you’re sending them the wrong message.
  11. Resting Hands Behind the Head or on the Hips – usually interpreted as a sign of superiority or bigheadedness. 

    Only use these gestures when you’re in the presence of close friends.
  12. Not Directly Facing the Person You’re Speaking To – This indicates a certain level of discomfort or a lack of interest. 

    When we’re happily engaged in a conversation we face the person we’re speaking to with our feet and torso facing directly forward. 

    When we’re unsure of the other person, or not completely committed to the conversation, we tend to angle our feet and torso to the side. 

    Face directly forward during a conversation to give off the impression that you’re truly interested in what the other person is saying.
  13. Crossing Your Arms – a sign of defensive resistance. 

    Some people may also interpret it as a sign of egotism. 

    Always try to keep your arms open and at your sides.
  14. Displaying a Sluggish Posture – When you’re in an environment bustling with people your posture becomes an immediate telltale sign of your confidence and composure. 

    Your stance literally makes a stand for you, delivering a clear message about how you should be treated. 

    It can make a huge difference in the way strangers respond to you. 

    Place your feet a comfortable distance apart, keep your shoulders pulled back, head up and greet people with direct eye contact and a firm handshake.
  15. Scratching at the Backside of Your Head and Neck – a typical sign of doubt and uncertainty.  It can also be interpreted as an indication of lying.

    Try to keep your hands away from your head when you’re communicating with others.
  16. Messing With the Collar of Your Shirt – It screams: “I feel horribly uncomfortable and/or nervous!”  Once again, keep track of your hands.  Don’t fidget.
  17. Increasing Your Rate of Blinking – a clear sign of anxiety.  Some people start blinking their eyes really fast (in conjunction with an increased heart rate) when they get nervous.

    Since most people try to make eye contact, it becomes immediately obvious to others.

    Be cognizant of your blinking habits when you’re nervous, especially if someone is looking at you from a close proximity.
  18. Slouching Your Shoulders – indicates low self-esteem.  People associate perked-up shoulders with strong self-confidence. 

    Always pull your shoulders back. 

    Not only will you look more confident, you’ll feel more confident as well.
  19. Standing with Your Hands Crossed Over Your Genitals – This casual posture almost guarantees that you’ll lose a little respect before you even have the chance to speak a single word. 

    People feeling nervous or unsure of themselves will unconsciously take a guarded stance.

    Quite frequently they adopt a posture that guards one of their most vulnerable areas, their genitals. 

    This stance pushes your shoulders forward and makes your entire body look smaller and weaker. 

    Again, try to keep your hands at your sides and your shoulders back.
  20. Propping Up Your Head with Your Hands – “I’m getting bored!”  Never prop up your head with your elbows and hands during a conversation. 

    Place your hands on the table in front of you and keep them at rest.
  21. Wiping Sweaty Hands onto Your Clothes – a sign of frantic nervousness.  If your hands are sweating, just let them sweat.  Take a few deep breaths and try to relax.
  22. Sitting on the Edge of Your Chair – a clear indication of being mentally and physically uncomfortable.

    It’s an apprehensive stance that will make others around you feel uncomfortable as well. 

    Keep your rear end firmly planted on the surface of the seat. 

    When you lean forward, use your back without moving your bottom.
  23. Foot and Finger Tapping – usually indicates stress, impatience or boredom.  Monitor your habits and practice keeping your limbs at rest.
  24. Using Your Hands to Fidget with Small Objects – a pen, paper ball, etc.  This is another sign of anxiety.  It can also be interpreted as a lack of preparedness.  It’s always best to keep your hands comfortably at rest when you’re in the presence of others.
  25. Repeatedly Shifting Body Weight from Foot to Foot – This is another gesture that usually indicates mental and physical discomfort.

    People may also see this and assume that you’re ready to abandon the conversation, especially if you’re not directly facing them.

    Don’t shift your feet around more than once every 2 to 3 minutes.