Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

The Hobbit- an unexpected Journey

The Hobbit- an unexpected Journey

This Soundtrack is Stunnig.....the Choir is manly, but gentle at the same time (Misty Mountains Cold)

this song is Dwarf main theme song

Diffrent from this one...

the elf theme...the sound is elegant and making you sway....nice lulaby to sleep...
or maybe this..

The Hobbit theme!!! one of my favourite....the music is cheerfull but melancholly as hell..but overall...it make an awesome music.
very diffrent from this one...

Its fun to watch The Lord of the rings or The Hobbit.....but The music in it is very important to take noticed too...theyre to gorgeous to be missed...

I hope the new movie for the Hobbit is being worked on....i cant wait to watch more of it....XD

My favourite scene in The Hobbit (and catch phrase)
Is When Bilbo reveal himself when the dwarf keep bickering if Bilbo runs away .
And when they asked why he return, Bilbo says:

"Yes, i missed my home....my garden, my chair....you see, thats where i belong...thats my Home....
so thats why i came back.... Because you dont have one...
A home...
it was taken away from you...
So i want to help you take it back if  i can.."

seriously...this is the most Touching scene in 'The Hobbit'
*i cried when i see this scene....*
Bilbo is such a nice and caring Hobbit...Frodo too...
in fact, all Hobit have a nice and caring personality, which make them a race thats beaing loved by all...
*coz theyre so adorable*

ok, no more rambling.....if you still havent watch The Hobbit, then i really recomended it.

Well then...see you again~

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