Minggu, 18 November 2012

Persona 3 Chara Social Link answer

For the sake of simplicity, only the best answers and the romantic path answers are listed. Answers that are not listed are either bad or have no effect at all.

I. Magician - Junpei Iori

Opens up on 4/23. He'll start talking to you after school so this social link automatically establishes itself.

Available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Rank 1
"C'mon! Let's go in!"
"Let them be jealous."

Rank 2
"Where do guy friends go?"
"You've got good taste." or "You know a lot about coffee."
"Hot cocoa." or "Coffee."
"Maybe I should give it a try, then."

Rank 3
"That's not true!"

Rank 4
"Thanks for the food!"

Rank 5
"I'm counting on you."

Rank 6
"Look who's talking."
"You'll be a great man."
"Your terrible jokes?"
"Of course."

Rank 7
"Ask me anything."
"You're on fire!"
"Well done!"
"I think I understand."

Rank 8
"You got them back for me?"

Rank 9
Either options will do

Holiday S.Links
Paulownica Mall, Arcade - "Fighting games!"
Wakatsu Restaurant - "Meh, like I care."
Beef Bowl Shop - "I already forgot it."
Outside Book On - "Manga isn't reality."

II. Priestress - Fuuka Yamagishi
Opens on 6/15. Find her outside your classroom and talk to her. Your Courage also needs to be at Level 4 to begin.

Available on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Rank 1
"Do you need any help?"

Rank 2
"Let's do our best."
"There's always next time."

Rank 3
"You're good with machines."
"I'll help you find it!"

Rank 4
"Let's make it together."
"Let's taste them."

Rank 5
"It's delicious!"

Rank 6
"Just try harder next time."
"It's rice porridge now."

Rank 7
Anything will do since there's nothing to choose anyway.

Rank 8
"You've mastered rice balls!"

Rank 9
"What should I write?"

Holiday S.Links
Wakatsu Restaurant - "You become anemic."

III. Empress - Mitsuru Kirijo
Opens on 11.21. Requires maxed out Academics (Genius level) to begin.

Available Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Rank 1
"Is this your first time?"

Rank 2
"Anyways, lets eat."
"Does that make you happy?"
"That's anxiety."
"Okay, I will."

Rank 3
"You seem troubled."
"To be with your true friend."

Rank 4
"Was it boring?"
"A motorcycle?"
"Can I ride with you someday?"

Rank 5
"Looking for something?"
"It's the first I've heard..."
"You should reconsider.

Rank 6
"I enjoy myself."

Rank 7
"How dare you!"
"Senpai, let's run!"

Rank 8
"You were cool."

Rank 9
"I'll do my best."

IV. Emporer - Student Council
Opens on 4/27. Mitsuru will talk to you about this during lunch. Just after school, go to the faculty office and tell Ms. Toriumi that you're interested in joining the student council. Once that's done, just head to the student council room opposite your classroom to establish the social link.

Available Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Rank 1
"How pointless."

Rank 2
Either will do.

Rank 3
"Working hard, huh?"

Rank 4
"They were all mean."

Rank 5
"I'll help out too!"

Rank 6
"A strict punishment."

Rank 7
"I'm not the culprit."

Rank 8
"Don't blame yourself."

Rank 9
"They were praising you."

V. Heirophant - Old Couple
Opens on 4/25. Head to the book store when it opens on the 25th and talk to the old couple. Go to the persimmon tree near the gym and sports clubs at school and examine the tree to get the persimmon leaf and then return to the book store to establish the social link.

Available everyday, except Mondays.

Rank 1
"I'm from Gekkoukan..."
"Thank you."
"It's okay.

Rank 2
"Looking for something?"
"I'll help you look for it."

Rank 3
"I'll wait here."
"That makes me worry..."

Rank 4
"It's what you 'beleave'."
"Cheer up."

Rank 5
"Please stop fighting."

Rank 6
"What's wrong?"
"Thank goodness..."
"I haven't a clue..."

Rank 7
"A fan of yours?"
"Let's go!"

Rank 8
"What is it for?"

Rank 9
"Are you sure?"

VI. Lovers - Yukari Takeba
Opens on 4/28. You'll find her in your classroom after school. Just talk to her to begin the social link.

Available Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Rank 10
"Sunflowers, full on energy!"

Rank 2
Either will do.

Rank 3
"Are you all right?"

Rank 4
This will rank up regardless of which options you choose.

Rank 5
"I completely forgot about it."
"Isn't it because we're friends?"

Rank 6
Either options will do.

Rank 7
"Leave it to me."

Rank 8
"You won't have a problem with that."

Rank 9
"I mainly listen to foreign music."

Holiday S.Links
Outside the Karaoke Bar - "I use them all the time."
Inside Chagall Cafe - "But he's too unreliable."
Outside Power Records - "To a certain extent."

VII. Chariot - Rio Iwasaki
Opens on 4/24. Whether you join the volleyball club or tennis club, the Chariot social link will always be Rio Iwasaki.

Available Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Rank 1
"Spot me while I do situps?"

Rank 2
"Not gonna do it."

Rank 3
"You seem to get along with him."
"Don't let it get to you!"

Rank 4
Either options will do.

Rank 5
Hug her.

Rank 6
"You can do it, Rio."
"I have no idea..."
"Yeah, I agree."

Rank 7
"We're her for you if he says no."
"That's the spirit!"

Rank 8
"...Are you going to quit the club?"

Rank 9

Holiday S.Links
Hagakure Ramen - "I'm glad you asked me."

VIII. Justice - Ken Amada
Opens on 9/1 . Requires your maxed out courage (Badass level) to begin. Find him in the lobby back at the dorms in the evening to begin this social link.

Available . With Courage at level 6 (Badass), find Ken back at the dorm and invite him out to start the social link.

Rank 1
"You shouldn't be a picky eater."
"Do you watch TV?
"I like action shows too."

Rank 2
"Want to come earlier next time?"
"Women can still read them!"

Rank 3
"You'll grow out, not up."
"Nope, not at all."

Rank 4
"Actually, I'd like to hear more."
"You worry too much."

Rank 5
"I'm with you."

Rank 6
This rank is actually broken into two pieces. The first one requires no choices.
"That's just how I am."

Rank 7
"I have one." Or "Unfortunately, I don't have one." (Romance)
"He's right in front of me." Or "Nobody!"
"Not at all."

Rank 8
"You're a special friend." Or "It's because I like you." (Romance)
"I'm not lying!"(Romance)

Rank 9

IX. Hermit - Saori Hasegawa
Opens up 5/8. During lunch break Ms. Toriumi will offer you to join the health club or library club. Either choice will have Saori as your partner.

Available Tuedays and Thursdays.

Rank 1
"Of course!"
"You should've come talk to me."

Rank 2
"Let's stay here a little longer."
"But she's being terrible to you!"

Rank 3
"Aren't you being a doormat?"
"I can understand that."

Rank 4
"I don't mind at all."

Rank 5
"What do you mean?"
"Let them talk."

Rank 6
"Don't worry about it."

Rank 7
"C'mon. Stay strong."
"It's a little too late now!"

Rank 8
"I'm going to shut them up."
"I believe you."

Rank 9
"You can do it, Saori."

Holiday S.Link
Burger Joint - "I was bored anyways!"
Outside Screen Shot - "Horror movies."

X. Fortune - Ryoji Mochizuki
Opens on 11/9. Junpei will introduce him to you at school so it'll automatically begin.

Available Fridays. Ryoji's social link is tied to certain events so it's highly recommended to place higher priority on this one.

Rank 1
This one starts by itself first thing in the morning on the monorail.
"I think I understand."
"Is school fun?"

Holiday S.Links*
Chagall Cafe - "It's because I'm here with you."
"It'll happen to you someday."
"Why 'would'?"
"I'd be totally up for it!"

*Despite being a holiday s.link, this one brings you up to Rank 4. To get the next rank you must agree to go out with him.

Rank 4
Takes place on 11/19
"That's what makes travelling fun."
"Is it because it's flowing?"
"No clue."

Rank 5
"I hope we'll get to go again."
"Why did you buy a ring?"

Rank 6
Automatically occurs on 11/27
"I'm all right."

Rank 7
"We'll just have to not be seen."
"You're Ryoji."

Rank 8
"I think I've had that dream."
"Got what wrong?"

Rank 9
On 12/31. Choose the good option to rank up this one.

XI. Strength - Koromaru
Opens on 8/15. You'll need some Dog Food to start this one. Just begin Fuuka's social link and you'll get it at Rank 2. With the Dog Food in your possession, just talk to Koromaru at the dorm.

Rank 1
"Does that feel good?"

Rank 2
Pick it up.
"One more?"

Rank 3
"Can you do it, boy?"

Rank 4
"We're with you."
"Saying hi to the priest?"

Rank 5
"It's all right now."

Rank 6
"Why'd you wait so long?"

Rank 7
Brush him.
The back.

Rank 8
"He sees us as friends."

Rank 9
Either options will do.

XII. Hanged Man - Maiko
Opens on 5/6. You can find Maiko at the shrine but in order to actually begin the social link itself you'll need to get her two items. First is the takoyaki that can be bought at Octopia on Iwotodai Strip Mall, the second is a can of Mad Bull that you can buy at the vending machines at the dorm. Give these two to her and agree to play with her. Talk to her again the next day to begin the social link.

Rank 1
"Sure, let's go."

Rank 2
"Don't worry, he'll be there."

Rank 3
"Of course, they love you!"

Rank 4
"That's mean!"
"That isn't true."

Rank 5
"Calm down, okay?"
"That's good enough."

Rank 6
Either answers will do.

Rank 7
"How about hamburgers?"
"Good girl!"
"Your dad."

Rank 8
Either answer will do.

Rank 9
"I won't forget."

XIII. Death - Pharos
Opens on 6/12 . Since this social link is tied to the story it'll automatically progress by itself on certain dates regardless of what answers you give Pharos.

Ranks up on:


XIV. Temperance - Bebe
This social link is tied to the Heirophant social link (the old couple at the bookstore) so the Temperance social link opens up when you get to Rank 2 of the Heirophant social link. You'll also need Academics at level 2 in order to open this up. Bebe will be in the Home Economics room at school.

Available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Rank 1
"It sure is!"

Rank 2
"Thank you!"
"How about a kimono?"

Rank 3
"You look down."

Rank 4
"Stay here."

Rank 5
"Why don't you rest?"
"That's a great idea."

Rank 6
"It's a nice idea."

Rank 7
"He'll agree!"

Rank 8
"Just a little more!"

Rank 9
"You did it!"

Holiday S.Link
Outside Book On - "What about the funeral?"
Outside Beef Bowl Shop - "Curry."

XV. Devil - President Tanaka
Opens on 6/9. You have to talk to either Saori or Rio at Rank 2 to unlock this and your Charm at Level 4 (Queen Bee). You'll find Tanaka at Paulownia Mall in the evening. Talk to him and agree to his offer (which means giving away 20,000 Yen). Keep doing this every evening until you end up giving him 40,000 Yen in total to begin this social link. Unfortunately, you won't get your money back as a result.

Provided that you see him every night if he's there, the earliest you can properly unlock this in on 6/13.

Available on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Rank 1

Rank 2
"I am."

Rank 3
"I have."

Rank 4
"It's all about money..."

Rank 5
"Sounds like fun!"

Rank 6
"Kind of..."
"The organic one."

Rank 7
"Did you hear wrong?"

Rank 8
"Are you going to donate?"

Rank 9
anything will do

XVI. Tower - Unusual Monk
Get to Rank 4 of the Chariot Social Link and talk to Rio to hear about the monk . During the Evening, head over to Escapade club at Paulownia Mall to find Mutatsu sitting upstairs by himself. You'll ask you to get a drink for him so talk to the barman underneath. He'll ask you to take the customers orders so go around and take everyone's orders. Return to the barman and give him the orders, the drinks being Bloody Mary, Magarita , Screwdriver and Oolong Tea.

Available Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Rank 1
"I don't need to tell you."
"What should I call you?"

Rank 2
"I have no friends."

Rank 3
"I've always wanted to try that."

Rank 4
"I get by."
"There isn't."

Rank 5
"You should get home."
"What about your workers?"

Rank 6
"You probably shouldn't."

Rank 7
"I was with friends."
"You're just running away."

Rank 8
Either options will do.

Rank 9
Either options will do.

XVII. Star - Akihiko Sanada
Opens on 5/25. Requires Charm at level four (Queen Bee) to begin. Just talk to him after school in the laboratory hallway to begin this social link.

Available Mondays and Fridays.

Rank 1
"Why are you outside today?"
"Don't catch a cold."
"I bet you can't either, senpai!"

Rank 2
"Let's go, senpai!"
"Yes it was great."
"Not in the way you think."
"So what's your type?"

Rank 3
"Are you angry?"
"Don't get the wrong idea, Senpai." (Romance)
"You don't have to do that."

Rank 4
"Haven't you ever been in here?"
"Did you not like it?"
"It's not your fault, Senpai."

Rank 5
"You're definitely odd." Or "You're charming." (Romance)

Rank 6
"Do I seem unreliable?"
"Should I still be leader?"

Rank 7
"I'm happy to be with you."
"That's not true!"

Rank 8
"Why'd you being me here?"

Rank 9
Either options will do.

Holiday S.Links
Wakatsu Restaurant - "You too, Senpai."

XVIII. Moon - Shinjiro Aragaki

Opens on 9/7. You'll find Shinjiro hanging out at the lobby of the dorm during the evening. Just talk to him to begin this social link.

Available Saturdays.

Rank 1
"Yes, of course!"
"I hope so..."

Rank 2
"You're so kind-hearted."

Rank 3
"Actually, I'm really happy!"
"Chow time!"
"I feel so lucky..."

Rank 4
"Why did we come here today?"
"What're you going to use it for?"
"I'm looking foward to it."

Rank 5
"Is it ready yet?"
"It was a lot of fun."

Rank 6
"I have my hopes up, too."
"It's fun being with you."

Rank 7
"I'm glad that you came back."

Rank 8
"Should I tell a scary story?"

Rank 9
To unlock this rank, talk to Officer Kurosowa at the Police Station for the pocketwatch and then give it to Shinjiro back at the dorm.
"Why a watch though?"

Extra Rank
This is really just for fun but after you've maxed out this social link you can engage in extra scene if you try to spend time with him again back at the dorm. There's no wrong answers here so fire away to your heart's content.

XIX. Sun - Dying Young Man
This is tied to the Hanged Man (Maiko) social link so get to to Rank 2 on this to open up the Sun social link. You'll also need to get his red fountain pen for him and your Academics at Level 4. Go to dorm on 8/8 and talk to Koromaru to find it the red fountain pen and give it to him on a Sunday morning. You'll find Akinari sitting alone at the Shrine.

Available only on Sundays.

Rank 1
"You may be right."

Rank 2
"I don't know."
"Talking makes it hurt worse."

Rank 3
"I love reading!"
"Not if it's boring."

Rank 4
"Don't push yourself!"

Rank 5
"That sounds wonderful."
"Sounds interesting."

Rank 6
"It's a gloomy story."

Rank 7
Stay at his side.

Rank 8
"You finished the story?"

Rank 9
Either options will do.

XX. Judgement - Nyx Annihilation Team
Opens on 12/31. This social link automatically starts by itself. This one ranks up based on certain floors you'll reach as well as the mini-bosses you'll defeat.

Rank 1
Reach floor 215.

Rank 2
Defeat mini boss on floor 220.

Rank 3
Reach floor 224.

Rank 4
Defeat mini boss on floor 228.

Rank 5
Defeat mini boss on floor 236.

Rank 6
Reach floor 240.

Rank 7
Defeat mini boss on floor 244.

Rank 8
Defeat mini boss on floor 252.

Rank 9
Reach floor 254.

XXI. Aeon - Aigis
Opens on 8/1. This social link is only available on January provided that you choose the good option at New Years Eve. Just talk to Aigis in your classroom to begin this social link.

Available Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Rank 1
"I like it."

Rank 2
"That's not true."

Rank 3

Rank 4
"You may be right."

Rank 5
"You brushed him off."

Rank 6
Either options will do.

Rank 7
"Not yet..."

Rank 8
"Is it?"

Rank 9
Either choices will do.

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